Jesus Christ is the creator of this world. He commanded the elements and they organized. He created the world for the benefit of all mankind.
As we lived as spirit children of our Heavenly Father prior to coming to earth, Jesus was the chosen lamb of God. It was the plan. He would come to this earth and be born of Mary. He would live a perfect life without sin. He would suffer, be smitten and die for us. He would pay the price for our sins. If only we would believe on his name, and follow after him, we would be saved from our sins. It is also because of his sacrifice that we will all be risen from the dead as resurrected beings. At the final judgement, we will all stand before him and be judged of him according to our works. The righteous will be exalted and dwell eternally with him. The wicked shall be cast out.
The Birth of Jesus Christ

The only event more important than the birth of Jesus Christ are the series of events which took place at the time of the suffering, death, and resurrection of the Messiah. When Christ was born into the world, the angels rejoiced and the righteous sought out the child.
The Angel Gabriel Visits Zacharias
Mary Visits Elisabeth – John the Baptist is Born
The Angel of the Lord Visits Joseph in a Dream
This Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem
Shepherds Abiding in the Field
The Rejoicings of Anna and Simeon
Miracles of Performed by Christ

These below are a sample of the miracles performed by Jesus Christ while he was living in the areas near Jerusalem. There are many more miracles that he performed recorded in the Bible. The Bible certainly only touched on small sample of the wonderful miracles he performed while living on the earth.
Jesus Heals the Man with a Palsy
Jesus Heals a Man on the Sabbath
Jesus Heals the Woman with an Issue of Blood
Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead
The Teachings of Jesus Christ

All of the teachings of Christ cannot be covered here. Even a complete reading of the Bible will not give you all the teachings the Christ delivered while living on the earth. And adding in other scriptures – The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, The Pearl of Great Price will not give you all of his teachings. Here, I will go over a portion of the Sermon on the Mount. These are the teachings he gave to his disciples. It is considered by many as the Higher Law. If you desire exaltation, eternal life with the Father and the Son, this is your law.
The Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World
Committing Adultery in Your Heart – Pornography
The Final Week of Jesus Christ’s Mortal Life
Featuring The Life of Christ by Frederic W. Farrar – Originally published in 1874 – Chapters 49-62

Monday in Passion Week – A Day of Parables
The Parable of the Ten Virgins
The Beginning of the End – Judas Iscariot Conspires
Gethsemane – The Agony and The Arrest
Jesus Before Annas and Caiaphas
The Interval Between the Trials
The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

Special Topics
The Purifying Power of Gethsemane
How to Effectively Live the Gospel of Jesus Christ Every Day
How has The Restoration Brought Me Closer To Christ