Burrows Stones Depicting Christ

Lifted up to Hang There are quite a few more than I shall display here. For now I offer these three. My understanding is that they are owned by Wayne May. The upside down V with two strokes have been looked over and compared on numerous artifacts and my translation has evolved since the beginning. […]

Chief Midegah Movies

Creation Birch Bark Scroll

Now I could expound more on this and attempt translation. Actually, I already have done so and sent it to Chief Midegah. But the real answers are going to have to wait until we are in Fond du Lac.

Genesis 1:1 Algonquin, Coptic, Hebrew

The purpose of the project is to compare the Sam Eliot Algonquin Bible to Hebrew and Coptic. The long term intent is to prepare to receive ancient records from the Ojibwe Tribe and to be better prepared for translations. English In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Hebrew  בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת […]

Book of Mormon / Ojibwe Conference

We have reached the maximum capacity of 220 person seating. We are attempting to increase capacity. Check back later. Location – Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts Sign-up Here for this Free Event Make Donations Here

For the Fortification

Attached is the Facebook conversation on the etchings.

New Hampshire Ring

Below I will simple add the images from Facebook of the conversation with the finder.

Caractors Document

obtained this digeurotype photograph of the Caractors document. This is a real good find as it adds to the clarity of some images which are more worn on the more commonly seen photograph of the artifact. According to Rachel Killebrew who works as a curator of the museum for the Community of Christ Church, the […]

Michigan Artifacts Requesting Research

This post here is an open request for Eric Perkins and Richard Stamps to assist with Brian Nettles on analyzing artifacts with rational reason to believe that they are ancient and authentic. Richard Stamps is a Michigan State archeologist who previously analyzed the artifacts and wrote an article entitled “Tools Leave Marks”. Because of Richard’s […]

The Bat Creek Stone

You may have heard of the Bat Creek Stone. It was found in a Smithsonian dig in Tennessee in 1889 by John W. Emmert. According to the excavator, John W. Emmert, “two copper bracelets, an engraved stone, a small drilled fossil, a copper bead, a bone implement, and some small pieces of polished wood soft […]

The Meaning of the Name Nehor

Not everyone in the Book of Mormon has a reputation of good. Nehor most certainly is not a person the authors of the Book of Mormon desire us to model our life after. We get our introduction to Nehor in Alma 1 starting with verses 2-6: 2 And it came to pass that in the first […]

The Alphabets of Egypt and Phoenicia

Included are some links to pdf documents written by others on the Hieratic Egyptian Alphabet. Basic Lessons in Hieratic written by Stephen Fryer. The Writing of a Skillful Scribe written by William Clay Poe (downloaded from Acadamia.com). Much more to add to this posting but for now I need these two documents available for study. […]

Hermounts – An Egyptian Language Connection

Hermounts is another Book of Mormon words which appears to have a real good tie to the Egyptian Language. The ties to Egyptian should be of no surprise to anyone who researches the book. 1 Nephi 1:2 tells us that Nephi wrote in Egyptian. Mosiah 1:4 tells us that the Brass Plates were written in […]

The Name Alma – An Egyptian Language Connection

Featured Image is a painting by Jerry Thompson depicting Alma teaching the people of Ammonihah. Image taken from the Media Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The name Alma has been a little bit of a challenge for those who only use the Hebrew language to validate Book of Mormon words. […]

Irreantum – An Egyptian Language Connection

Here is a break down of the Book of Mormon word Irreantum. My family says I am a bit dramatic when I call it the most anticipated word in the Book of Mormon. But since we could not figure a better way to express it, we decided I should leave it in the video. I […]

Shim and Antum – An Egyptian Language Connection

The Hill Shim and the Land Antum are two Book of Mormon words which appear to have real good ties to the Egyptian Language and and this should be no surprise to anyone who researches the book. 1 Nephi 1:2 – Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning […]

Antionum and Jerson – An Egyptian Language Connection

Antionum and Jershon are two Book of Mormon words which appear to have a real good tie to the Egyptian Language and this should be no surprise to any one who researches the book. 1 Nephi 1:2 – Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews […]

Rameumptum – A Connection to the Egyptian Language

Rameumptum – The Holy Stand Rameumptum is one of several Book of Mormon words which appear to have a real good tie to the Egyptian Language and and this should be no surprise to any one he researches the book. 1 Nephi 1:2 – Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which […]

Mystery Glyphs

The Ancient Historical Research Foundation has done much to research and make these interesting glyphs available to the public. The image of this first glyph was taken by me in the mountains near Fillmore, Utah. The rest of the images are reported by the Ancient Historical Research Foundation. Their website for these glyphs is at […]

Protected: Burrows Cave Artifacts 601-654

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