Mystery Glyphs

The Ancient Historical Research Foundation has done much to research and make these interesting glyphs available to the public.

The image of this first glyph was taken by me in the mountains near Fillmore, Utah. The rest of the images are reported by the Ancient Historical Research Foundation. Their website for these glyphs is at Great care has been taken to present to you the pictures. Exact locations are typically not discussed. There is always of fear of vandals defacing the artifacts.

The age of these petroglyphs are not known. But specifically due to the representation of a rifle on the New Mexico glyph, this indicates that they were all probably created in the 1700s or 1800s. What is really interesting is that several of the symbols are Egyptian, but the language is not Egyptian. It seems to be a mostly lost pictographic language used by Native American Indians in the past.

Click image for larger view.

From the Mystery Glyphs Website at

More on the Arizona Mystery Glyphs found at
More on the Arizona Mystery Glyphs found at
More on the California Mystery Glyphs found at
More on the Idaho Mystery Glyphs found at
More on the Nevada Mystery Glyphs found at
More on the New Mexico Mystery Glyphs found at
More on the Utah Mystery Glyphs found at
More on the Wyoming Mystery Glyphs found at

This article by Leigh Marymore demonstrates a well researched effort at deciphering the meanings of the symbols.
