Michigan Artifacts Requesting Research

This post here is an open request for Eric Perkins and Richard Stamps to assist with Brian Nettles on analyzing artifacts with rational reason to believe that they are ancient and authentic. Richard Stamps is a Michigan State archeologist who previously analyzed the artifacts and wrote an article entitled “Tools Leave Marks”. Because of Richard’s report, many people believe the entire collection to be of modern make. However, this report is contrary to the findings of Henrietta Mertz as reported in her book “The Mystic Symbol”. Today, many enthusiasts of the Michigan Artifacts believe that there is a middle ground which more likely represents the truth. Namely, that some of the artifacts are modern frauds and some of the artifacts are ancient and authentic.

Brian Nettles has devoted much work in the past on the decipherment of the language. The created list represent artifacts which Brian Nettles believes are at least probably authentic based on the language or at least worthy of further consideration.

The artifacts listed in this report are restricted to artifacts which are known to exist in the Michigan Historical Society located in Lansing Michigan under the stewardship of Eric Perkins.

I wish to state that I was very grateful for Eric Perkins back around year 2017 when he allowed me access to photograph many of the artifacts. I also give me gratitude to Richard Stamps for his willingness to collaborate with me in this exercise. The truth is what I am after. If there are forensics which cast a shadow on these particular artifacts, then these forensics need to be made aware. Then we can let the observers of the forensics determine what that means to them individually.

Forensic analysis shall include photography, 3d scanning with a high-grade scanner, microscopic viewing of engravings, measurements to determine if English system was used, visual analysis of tool and file markings, and other considerations which may not be specified at this present time based on advice from other forensic experts.

Below are the artifacts that Brian Nettles is requesting to analyze.

1. Christ on the Cross

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2. Serpent on the Cross

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3. Ammon with King Lamoni

4. Alma and the Son’s of King Mosiah

5. The Order of Nehor

6. The Order of Nehor 2

7. YHW in the Temple

8. Creation

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9. Moses in the Mountain with God

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10. Justice and Mercy in the Balance

11. See, Hear, and Speak

12. A Noah Artifact with Eclipse on Reverse

13. Righteous Cast Out of Temple

14. The Leviathan

15. Published Prayer to Jehovah

16. Noah with Family

17. Abinadi

18. Built Temple to False God

19. Order of Nehor 3

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