Lifted up to Hang
There are quite a few more than I shall display here. For now I offer these three. My understanding is that they are owned by Wayne May.

The upside down V with two strokes have been looked over and compared on numerous artifacts and my translation has evolved since the beginning. It is a simple symbol. Two strokes represent the letter L or Lamed in Hebrew. This is a simple preposition – To. The upside down V is a direction. It this artifact it simple means he was raised up.
The bottom is really four letters but looks like three. It is LTLH – To Hang.

The Name of Jesus

The second line is the fascinating line as it appears to be the name of Jesus spelled out as YHSHW – יהסהו.

Out of interest, I was reading in the Nez Perz record known as the Nemenhah record. It spells out Jesus name in a very similar phonetic manner.
Ayahsuhway – which to me is very similar.
A Wicked Nation

I worked a translation and then bounced it off of Adam Stokes. His knowledge of Hebrew is more extensive than mine. The translation is given below and I shall also include the video. This artifact is beautiful as it uses the term that Jesus wailed on the cross. Imagine if you had nails in your wrists and feet and all your weight was on the raw bone. I would wail too. Six hours of that torture is too long for anyone to bear.
Line 1: A nation of wicked people
Line 2: One the cross he wailed – the Chosen one.
Line 3: On the third morning he rose – the righteous one (deriving tsade as zadok – from Melchizedek).
Line 4 Lots of derivation: He descended with angels as fire and embraced the Nephites.