
The Plan of Redemption According to Lehi

The Book of Mormon has more than one beautiful sermon on the Plan of Redemption, also known as the Plan of Salvation, the Purpose of Life, or the Great Eternal Plan. This plan gives us insight on the need for a Savior, who throughout time was known as the Messiah or Jehovah. Isaiah gives us […]

How to Read or Obtain The Book of Mormon

Read using a Smart Device – The book is often read by using the “Gospel Library” app downloaded on any smart device such as iPhones and Android phones. Read on the Computer – The Book of Mormon can be read online from the website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at Receive Physical Copy for […]

The Encountered Traveller Going to Cumorah

This article is a missionary report from Elders Orson Pratt and Joseph F. Smith in 1878. It includes their interview of David Whitmer, now 73 years of age. Many important items discussed. He talks of his encounter of a traveller on his way to Cumorah while David Whitmer, Joseph Smith, and Oliver Cowdery were travelling […]

Mary Whitmer – The Other Witness of the Gold Plates

It was many years before I ever heard this story told. Most people familiar with the Book of Mormon have seen the statements by the Three Witnesses and the Eight Witnesses as these statements are at the beginning of the Book of Mormon. At the time these witnesses took place, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery […]

David Whitmer’s Unusual Preparation to Meet Joseph Smith

This section comes from “The Prophet and His Progenitors for Many Generations” written by Lucy Mack Smith, the mother of Joseph Smith. The book was published in 1853 in Liverpool. The original ghost writer of this book is Martha Jane Knowlton Coray who is my great great great grandmother on my mother’s side. Edits were […]

Joseph Smith Obtains the Plates

This is another section from “The Prophet and His Progenitors for Many Generations” written by Lucy Mack Smith, the mother of Joseph Smith. The book was published in 1853 in Liverpool. The original ghost writer of this book is Martha Jane Knowlton Coray. Edits were later made to this book and republished as the History […]

Joseph Smith and Another Chastisement from the Angel

This section and some of the following sections come from “The Prophet and His Progenitors for Many Generations” written by Lucy Mack Smith, the mother of Joseph Smith. The book was published in 1853 in Liverpool. The original ghost writer of this book is Martha Jane Knowlton Coray who is my great great great grandmother […]

Joseph Smith Meets his Future Wife Emma Hale

This section and some of the following sections come from “The Prophet and His Progenitors for Many Generations” written by Lucy Mack Smith, the mother of Joseph Smith. The book was published in 1853 in Liverpool. The original ghost writer of this book is Martha Jane Knowlton Coray who is my great great great grandmother […]

Joseph Smith and the Untimely Death of his Brother Alvin

This section and some of the following sections come from “The Prophet and His Progenitors for Many Generations” written by Lucy Mack Smith, the mother of Joseph Smith. The book was published in 1853 in Liverpool. The original ghost writer of this book is Martha Jane Knowlton Coray who is my great great great grandmother […]

Joseph Smith’s Mother Gives More Insight on Attempts at Obtaining the Plates

This section and some of the following sections come from “The Prophet and His Progenitors for Many Generations” written by Lucy Mack Smith, the mother of Joseph Smith. The book was published in 1853 in Liverpool. The original ghost writer of this book is Martha Jane Knowlton Coray who is my great great great grandmother […]

Joseph Smith – The Establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

This is the last of the Times and Seasons postings of Church History that I will include here. This issue was published in 1842 and included the official first church meeting of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Whilst the Book of Mormon was in the hands of the printer, we […]

Joseph Smith – A Doctrinally Confounding Message to Martin Harris

This is a continuation of the Times and Seasons published in 1842. This is a revelation given from God through Joseph Smith to Martin Harris. Martin thus far has experienced much. He was the first to help with the translation, with most of his work lost. As a repentant man, he later became a witness […]

Joseph Smith – The Printing of the Book of Mormon

This is a continuation of the History of the Church by Joseph Smith as recorded in the Times and Seasons. The section covers tell which publisher published the Book of Mormon and some information about the title page of the Book of Mormon. HISTORY OF JOSEPH SMITH. Continued. Meantime our translation drawing to a […]

Joseph Smith – Revelation on Basic Responsibilities of the Priesthood

Continuation of the History of the Church by Joseph Smith as published in 1842 in the Times and Seasons. HISTORY OF JOSEPH SMITH. Continued. In this manner did the Lord continue to give us instructions from time to time, concerning the duties which now devolved upon us, and among many other things of the […]

Joseph Smith – Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer are Directed to Look for the Future 12 Disciples

This continues the account recorded in 1842 in the Times and Seasons regarding the History of the Church. The group of Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and the Whitmers (David and John) are at the very end of the translation of the Book of Mormon. Oliver and David are called even as Paul. They are directed […]

Joseph Smith – Early Command for Melchizedek Priesthood Ordinations Deferred

I am continuing from the Times and Seasons published in 1842 holding true to the original text. The translation of the Small Plates of Nephi portion of the Book of Mormon is continuing in the home of Peter Whitmer Sr. The witness of the 3 Witnesses and the 8 Witnesses have taken place. The translation […]

Joseph Smith – Testimony of the Eight Witnesses

The events leading up to the statement made by the eight witnesses is not covered in the Times and Seasons record. However, Lucy Mack Smith, the mother of Joseph Smith, Jr. gave a small amount of insight in the paragraph below which comes from Chapter 31 of her record [1] in the paragraph below referencing […]

Videos – Selected Videos by John Lefgren

Videos – David Hocking’s Selected Videos

Hebrew cities of refuge allowed those guilty of killing unawares to be protected until a trial was conducted. The land of Jershon in the Book of Mormon appears to be such a city of refuge that was set aside for the Anti-Nephi-Lehies who had committed murders. James Adair, in his book The History of the […]

Videos – Gospel Tangents with Jonathan Neville

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