
Burrows Stones Depicting Christ

Lifted up to Hang There are quite a few more than I shall display here. For now I offer these three. My understanding is that they are owned by Wayne May. The upside down V with two strokes have been looked over and compared on numerous artifacts and my translation has evolved since the beginning. […]

Chief Midegah Movies

Test Castr

give me a moment

Book of Mormon / Ojibwe Outreach Streaming

Friday September 20, 2024 Marty Braden – Coming forth of the Book of Mormon David Hocking – Introducing the Book of Mormon Rabbi Yossi Schulman with Chief Midegah discuss The Proclamation. Kristen Mortensen – The Isaiah Chapters David Douglas – Gaining a Testimony of the Book of Mormon Nancy James – Thoughts on the Sermon […]

Creation Birch Bark Scroll

Now I could expound more on this and attempt translation. Actually, I already have done so and sent it to Chief Midegah. But the real answers are going to have to wait until we are in Fond du Lac.

Chief Midegah Credentials Chief Midegah also goes by Midegah Ogichidaa and by David Taylor and by David Taylor Barker. Lately, we are hearing rumors from certain people that Chief Midegah is not who he says he is. I am placing some items here which he personally sent me to verify who he is. It is unfortunate that […]

Genesis 1:1 Algonquin, Coptic, Hebrew

The purpose of the project is to compare the Sam Eliot Algonquin Bible to Hebrew and Coptic. The long term intent is to prepare to receive ancient records from the Ojibwe Tribe and to be better prepared for translations. English In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Hebrew  בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת […]

Book of Mormon / Ojibwe Conference

We have reached the maximum capacity of 220 person seating. We are attempting to increase capacity. Check back later. Location – Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts Sign-up Here for this Free Event Make Donations Here

For the Fortification

Attached is the Facebook conversation on the etchings.

New Hampshire Ring

Below I will simple add the images from Facebook of the conversation with the finder.

Caractors Document

obtained this digeurotype photograph of the Caractors document. This is a real good find as it adds to the clarity of some images which are more worn on the more commonly seen photograph of the artifact. According to Rachel Killebrew who works as a curator of the museum for the Community of Christ Church, the […]

Michigan Artifacts Requesting Research

This post here is an open request for Eric Perkins and Richard Stamps to assist with Brian Nettles on analyzing artifacts with rational reason to believe that they are ancient and authentic. Richard Stamps is a Michigan State archeologist who previously analyzed the artifacts and wrote an article entitled “Tools Leave Marks”. Because of Richard’s […]

The Bat Creek Stone

You may have heard of the Bat Creek Stone. It was found in a Smithsonian dig in Tennessee in 1889 by John W. Emmert. According to the excavator, John W. Emmert, “two copper bracelets, an engraved stone, a small drilled fossil, a copper bead, a bone implement, and some small pieces of polished wood soft […]

M.E. Cornell on Prehistoric Relics

This publication was favorable to the legitimacy of the artifacts found in Michigan. In this article, I simple intend to highlight portions which I found interesting and relevant. Introduction Pages 5-6 About two years since, a wonderful discovery of mound relics, was made in the vicinity of Wyman, Montcalm Co., Michigan. Mr. J. O. Scotford […]

John Russell on Early Findings in Michigan

The book written by John Russell is entitled Prehistoric Discoveries in Wayne County, Michigan and was published in 1911. This report is favorable on the legitimacy of artifacts found in Michigan during the time when the majority of these artifacts were found. Artifacts are still being found but generally disregarded as not important. Below are […]

Henrietta Mertz Reports on Earliest Michigan Artifacts

When one researches the artifacts of Michigan, it is very common that the report will state that the first artifact of this strange type found was by James Scotford. Everything follows this first finding in the fall of 1890. If the claims from Henrietta Mertz in the book The Mystic Symbol are correct, then the […]

The Publication of a Written Prayer to God

I would not have figured this out had it not been for working the language system of the Burrows Stones. The third line from the bottom has a line of a large font size engravings. It reads from right to left. The language is Hebrew. The letters are a mixture of Libyan, Phoenician, and Michigan. […]

Lost Battle with Peace Treaty

This artifact was photographed and included in Rudolph Etzenhousers’ publication called Engravings of Prehistoric Specimens published in 1910. Let’s break it down and see what we can make out of it. This top section indicates that both parties are of the YHW people. This is not a battle of Nephites vs Lamanites. It is indicating […]

7b. Joseph Smith Obtains the Plates – Times and Seasons Owing to my still continuing to assert that I had seen a vision persecution, still followed me, and my wife’s father’s family were very much opposed to our being married. I was therefore under the necessity of taking her elsewhere so we went and were married at the house of Squire Tarbill, in South […]

Doctrine and Covenants 128:20 – Cumorah

I really don’t know how more direct you can be. Here is a verse from the cannonized scripture known as the Doctrine and Covenants. Doctrine and Covenants 128:20 20 And again, what do we hear? Glad tidings from Cumorah! Moroni, an angel from heaven, declaring the fulfilment of the prophets—the book to be revealed. A voice of the […]

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