Chief Midegah also goes by Midegah Ogichidaa and by David Taylor and by David Taylor Barker.
Lately, we are hearing rumors from certain people that Chief Midegah is not who he says he is. I am placing some items here which he personally sent me to verify who he is. It is unfortunate that there are websites in existence which have no problem with bearing false witness against their neighbor based on hearsay. More unfortunate is that people actually believe the lies. This page is meant to help put the record straight. More information will be added to this page as more information is gathered by Chief Midegah and others to prove to the people that he is who he says he is.
1. I am a DOODEMAG OGIMAA, a traditionally appointed clan headman of the Adik Doodem, or Caribou Clan.
-responsibilities are to know the history and to teach the history of my clan and the Anishinaabeg to include the seven fires migration and the wampum belts associated with the anishinaabeg
-to teach the 7 grandfather teachings
-to represent the clan in public and private community and midew forums
-to represent the clan in internal clan meetings and councils and inter clan councils
-Uphold and transmit traditional knowledge, stories, ceremonies, and customs
-Teach and mentor younger generations in the ways of the Anishinaabe
-Ensure the proper conduct of cultural and spiritual ceremonies.
2. I am a Treaty Signatory Representative, also called a treaty Chief representing the interests of the Red Bear Chieftainship which my Great Uncle also a registered INDIAN had before me,
-to represent those interest as established and not abrogated by Congress in all cases related
-This relates to Article 8 the 1863 Treaty of Old Crossing and the rights of the Red Bear and Joseph Montrieul Family
3. I am a Midew Oshkaabewis, or Ceremonial Teacher. I officiate Lodges and keep history as well as scrolls and carry a Council Fire Stone.
David Taylor-Barker
Midegah Ogichidaa: Named in traditional ceremony at the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation
Registered Indian with the BIA and in the Pembina Federal Database
Born: May 29,1978, Nez Perce County, Idaho
Biological Mother: Laureen Taylor
Biological Father: Jay Douglas Barker, son of Patricia Rose
Brunelle-Barker-Lafountain, both registered Indians with the BIA and in the Pembina Federal Database
Melchizedek Priesthood and 1st Temple Recommend: April 27, 2001 inside the San Diego Temple by then Temple President President Clark and military Branch President Bipperston
Master of Arts in Business Management, 2009 American Military
University, Charles Town, WV Concentration in Organizational Leadership
GPA: 3.8, Magna Cum Laude
Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
Bachelor of Science in Philosophy, 2006 University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Regional Accreditation: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Senior Professional Military Education Course in Leadership, 2010
National Defense University, Washington D.C. GPA: 4.0
Regional Accreditation: Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE)
Program Management Level I/II, 2012 Defense Acquisition University, Belvoir, VA
Military Service:
United States Marine Corps
Active Duty: 2001 to 2013 Honorable Discharge
Reserve Duty: 2013 to 2015 Honorable Discharge
Afghanistan Combat Veteran: 2011-2012
Total Foreign service: 1 Year, 4 months, 24 Days
Military Awards:
Afghanistan Campaign Medal with 1 Star.
Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal.
Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (2nd Award).
Navy and Marine Corps Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal.
Navy Unit Commendation Medal.
Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal (3rd Award).
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.
Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal.
Sea Service Deployment Ribbon.
NATO Medal ISAF Afghanistan.
Meritorious Rank Promotions: Private First Class (E2), Lance Corporal (E3), Corporal (E4), Sergeant (E5), Staff Sergeant (E6).
Honor Graduate at the following schools: Officer Candidates School (2005), Staff NonCommissioned Officer Academy (2010), Enlisted Supply Basic Course (2001), School of Infantry Marine Combat Training (2001).
*was meritoriously promoted to SNCO while in the Officers Program and chose his SNCO appointment
Principal Traditional Native Teachers:
1. James Greatwalker Noodin Aaniibiish, Chief Midew, Turtle Mountain Chippewa 1993 to 2009
2. Abenaki Tom Dostou 1994 to 2023 (from the council of Chief William Commanda and keeper of his Chieftain headdress)
Anishinaabe Doodem (family clan): ADIK DOODEM Great Deer Family or Caribou Clan
Current Position within the Clan: Ogimaa Adik Doodem, Traditional Headman in the Caribou Clan: Appointed by Matrilineal Clan Mother Patricia Rose Brunelle-Barker-Lafountain
Clan Matrilineal Authority line: Patricia Rose–>Mary Desjarlas (mother)–>Marie Paul–>Adelaide Breland–>Emelie Wells–>Josephte Grant–>Margaret Grant Utinawasis Adik Songab Matriarch of the Adik Doodem (Note: Josephtes brother Cuthbert Grant Jr. was called “King of the Metis” and was the first leader of the Metis nation)
Also possessing lines to her sisters who likewise carried authority from the same mother, Equaywid Adik Songab who was married to Chief Ojibwaince, also the father of Chief Red Bear
Patricia Rose–>Mary Desjarlas (mother)–>John Desjarlais–>Andre Desjarlais–>Marie Bottineau–>Techomegood Adik Songab Margaret Marie Bottineau sister of Chief Red Bear (techomegood was married to Charles Bottineau who is recorded with Lewis and Clark Expedition and the first recorded White Man to be called a Chief. He is the father of famed indian Pierre Bottineau by second marriage to Techomegoods sister Machequayaince following the death of Techomegood.)
Patricia Rose–> Elmer Pat Brunelle (Father)–>Patrice Brunelle–>Julia Montriel Turtle Woman–>Chief Joseph Montrieul–>Isabel Migizi Bottineau–>Machequayaince Adik Songab Marguerite Bottineau sister of Chief Red Bear (isabel Migizi born via Machequayaince husband Chief Pewanakum)
Patricia Rose–> Elmer Pat Brunelle (Father)–>Patrice Brunelle–>Julia Montriel Turtle Woman–>Margaret Decouteau–> Chief Red Bear I
Patricia Rose–> Elmer Pat Brunelle (Father)–>Patrice Brunelle–>John Brunelle–>Louisa Lagrau–>Louise Lenau–>Louisa Medweganoonind daughter of Red Lake Chief Medweganoonind who signed the 1863 Treaty
Other lines of importance:
Patricia Rose–>Mary Desjarlas (mother)–>Marie Paul–>Pierre Paul–> Hunting Chief Jean Baptiste Charette
Patricia Rose–>Mary Desjarlas (mother)–>Marie Paul–>Pierre Paul–> Lilique Petit granddaughter of Chief Little Shell
Pocahontas line — lineal descendancy to the Pamunkey Indian Nation of Virginia who allows citizenship by lineal descent:
David Taylor–>Laureen Taylor–>Beverly Bushnell–> Joseph Bushnell–>Martha Hannah Lees Fisher–>Elisabeth Emma Bennett–>Hiram Bell Bennett–>William Bennett Jr.–>Catherine Bernard–>Mary Fleming–>Mary Bolling–>Col. John Bolling–>Jane Rolfe–>Thomas Rolfe–>Pocahontas
David Taylor–>Laureen Taylor–>Beverly Bushnell–> Joseph Bushnell–>Martha Hannah Lees Fisher–>Elisabeth Emma Bennett–>Martha Smith–>Asael Smith JR–>Asael Smith SR
David Taylor–>Laureen Taylor–>Beverly Bushnell–> Hazel Ruby Millet–>Paul Alma Millet–>Artemus Millet The Temple Builder of Kirtland
TAYLOR FAMILY LINE: (PROVEN BY DNA with Point of Contact being Church Member Rulon Taylor of MacGrath Alberta “The Joseph James Taylor Farm” who performed the test with Barbara Taylor, daughter of Delbert Taylor confirming their parents were brothers, and likewise the journals of William Taylor were given to me by the family following)
David Taylor–>Laureen Taylor–>Delbert Clothier Taylor–>William Kilshaw Taylor–>Joseph James Taylor–>John Taylor LDS 3rd Church President
David Taylor–>Laureen Taylor–>Delbert Clothier Taylor–>Florence Jeanette Clothier–>Ira Delbert Clothier–>Andrew Jackson Clothier who lived in Nauvoo as neighbors to 4th LDS Church President Wilford Woodruff and traveled to Utah with their family (Andrew Jackson Clothier was married to Sarah Young a family relation of Brigham Young 2nd LDS Church President)
We are not the Turtle Mountain Band, although enrolled in the Turtle Mountain Reservation. Many bands are enrolled there to include the Little shell, Bois Brulé, Cyprus Hills and even a band from Saulte Ste Marie Canada is there.
The Pembina Band of Red Bear is recognized by the Judicial Branch under the 1964/65 United States Court of Claims [Red Lake v. United States, 164 Ct. Cl. 389] and Red Lake & Pembina Bands v. Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, 173 Ct. Cl. 928).
The Supreme Court upheld the Indian Court of Claims ruling in Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians v. United States, (Pembina and Red Lake Bands v. Turtle Mountain Band) 490 F.2d 935, 953-54, 203 Ct.Cl. 426, 456-59 (1974) that the Turtle Mountain Chippewa do not speak for the other groups. The United States Congress, Supreme Court, Indian Claims Commission and the United States Court of Claims have declared that the Pembina Band, Little Shell Band, Red Lake Band, and Turtle Mountain Band are separate entities declaring: “A group of descendants of a once-organized tribe or band is a proper identifiable group.” Peoria Tribe of Indians v. United States, 169 Ct. Cl. 1009 (1965); Thompson v. United States, 122 Ct. Cl. 348, 357-58, 359-61 (1952), cert. den., 344 U.S. 856.
Affirmed as recent as August 27, 2023 by the District Court of Washington DC in response to TRO against the Pembina Settlement to ensure its payout for 10 million acres associated with the 1892 McCumber Agreement with the Turtle Mountain Chippewa did not abrograte the 1863 Treaty rights of the Red Bear family as although listed under Article 8 of the 1892 McCumber agreement made with the Turtle Mountain Chippewa, we did not sign onto that agreement, to lose our holdings within North Dakota (640 acres), which were within the 10 million acres.
1789 Treaty of Fort Harmar signed by Chief Pewanakum for the Ojibwe Nation.
1863 Treaty of Old Crossing signed by Chief Pewanakum grandson Chief Joseph Montriel, and great uncle and father in law Chief Red Bear. 1892 McCumber Agreement with Turtle Mountain Chippewa whereby article 8 is added declaring that the 1863 Treaty rights for the Red Bear Pembina reservation would likewise be provided.
The Supreme Court from 1964 to 2023 has upheld the Indian Court of Claims ruling, the 1965 Court of Claims ruling as well in Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians v. United States, 490 F.2d 935, 953-54, 203 Ct.Cl. 426, 456-59 (1974) that the Turtle Mountain Chippewa do not speak for the other Pembina Chippewa tribal groups. The United States Congress, Supreme Court, Indian Claims Commission and the United States Court of Claims have declared that the Pembina Band, Little Shell Band, Red Lake Band, and Turtle Mountain Band are separate entities declaring: “A group of descendants of a once-organized tribe or band is a proper identifiable group.” Peoria Tribe of Indians v. United States, 169 Ct. Cl. 1009 (1965); Thompson v. United States, 122 Ct. Cl. 348, 357-58, 359-61 (1952), cert. den., 344 U.S. 856.
As a result, the 1971 Act of Congress Bill H.R. 6072 Report No. 142-92 whereby the United States Congress identified the Authorized Red Bear Chieftain families as they were a family living in 4 reservations of other peoples, as their reservation was never granted.
Authorized Hereditary Chiefs were identified as 5th Generation minimum grandchildren of the Red Bear Bloodline from Chief Joseph Montriel, [Midegah’s 4th great grandfather] signer of the 1863 Old Crossing Treaty, great nephew and son in law of Chief Red Bear.
Families identified by the Pembina Descendants Committee as belonging to the Red Bear Chieftain Bloodline were identified as follows:
At Red Lake Reservation:
Rosebear, Cobenais, Waybenais, Kingbird, Cloud, Wind, and Desjarlais families.
At Turtle Mountain Reservation:
Montrieul, Caribou (Adik Clan Doodem), Grandbois, Bushie, Nadeau, Frederick, Brunelle, Decoteau, Bottineau, Desjarlais and Grant.
Midegah’s lines are the Montrieul, Caribou, Brunelle, Decoteau, Bottineau, Desjarlais and Grant, all merged into a principal line of the family Red Bear and Doodem Adik.
Midegah David Taylor also maintains the original titles of the 582 acres of allotments his family are tied to that are in his father’s name as granted by our grandmother to which David carries the power of attorney. Copies have been provided to Brian Nettles and Heartland.

PDF document proclaiming an official appointment for Chief Midegah as Chief of the Cariboo Clan.
Chief Midegah served in the Marine Corp. Below is his DD214 of his enlisted time period.
Diplomas and Other Documents

Chief Midegah is endorsed to be a leader.

Appointment Letter

The work with the Jewish Rabbis is covered in this published magazine.

Sherry Cardinals introduces Chief Midegah on Latter-Day Watch podcast.