
Michigan Artifacts – LDS Photograph Series 1-100

After visiting Eric Perkins at the Michigan History Center in Lansing Michigan in 2017, he shared with me a DVD which had about 850 images on it. My presumption based on the numbering system is that these images were taken and while the collection was still in the possession of the Church of Jesus Christ […]

Images of Artifacts from Michigan Photographed in 2017

In June, 2017, I made a prearranged trip to the Michigan Historical Museum in Lansing, Michigan. There I met up with Eric Perkins who is responsible for overseeing the Soper and Savage Collection. Eric was very helpful. He pulled out many artifacts from the museum and allowed me to photograph them. We did not successfully […]

Engravings of Prehistoric Specimens

Engravings of Prehistoric Specimens is a publication created by Rudolph Etzenhouser in 1910 where he had a professional photographer take pictures of many of the found artifacts. You can click on this link to access the pdf of the entire document. Images from the publication are given below. Click on each image for a larger […]

2 Nephi 24 Commentary

Also known as Commentary of Isaiah Chapter 14 This continues commentaries on the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 24 is the same as Isaiah Chapter 14. We first begin with the screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers of this chapter as first published without verses. Second, will be the text put […]

2 Nephi 23 Commentary

Also known as Commentary of Isaiah Chapter 13 This continues commentaries on the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 23 is the same as Isaiah Chapter 13. We first begin with the screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers of this chapter as first published without verses. Second, will be the text put […]

2 Nephi 22 Commentary

Also known as Commentary of Isaiah Chapter 12 This continues commentaries on the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 22 is the same as Isaiah Chapter 12. We first begin with the screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers of this chapter as first published without verses. Second, will be the text put […]

Shepherds Abiding in the Field

Good tidings of great joy, given to but few and those among the humblest of earth, but destined to spread to all people. James Talmage Luke 2 8. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9. And, lo, the angel of theLord came upon […]

2 Nephi 21 Commentary

Also known as Commentary of Isaiah Chapter 11 This continues commentaries on the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 21 is the same as Isaiah Chapter 11. We first begin with the screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers of this chapter as first published without verses. Second, will be the text put […]

2 Nephi 20 Commentary

Also known as Commentary of Isaiah Chapter 10 This continues commentaries on the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 20 is the same as Isaiah Chapter 10. We first begin with the screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers of this chapter as first published without verses. Second, will be the text put […]

Archeological Mounds in North America

In 1881, Congress commissioned the Smithsonian Institute to survey the mounds of the lands of the United States.[Robert Silverberg, The Mound Builders, page 131] This map is the results of that commission. Pay attention to groupings as it may give hints as to where ancient Nephite and Lamanite settlements once existed. One other thing to […]

2 Nephi 19 Commentary

Also known as Commentary of Isaiah Chapter 9 This continues commentaries on the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 19 is the same as Isaiah Chapter 9. We first begin with the screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers of this chapter as first published without verses. Second, will be the text put […]

Elephants Among People in Ancient North America

The world of Archeology in the United States has found things. They have dismissed things. I am no archeologist. But I have been around long enough to know that word on the street is that if you find something that goes against mainstream thinking, you had best keep it to yourself or you will be […]

The Grave Creek Tablet

This artifact known as the Grave Creek Tablet is likely a Jaredite artifact. In time, the language will be studied and compared with other artifacts to find similarities in the script. This lengthy quote is taken directly from the book called The Mound Builders written by Robert Silverberg on pages 74 and 75. He is […]

The Proposed Routes of Lehi and Mulek

We don’t really have a whole lot about exactly where the family of Lehi would have landed. What we really have is two things. 1. The expeditions of Phillip Beale demonstrate not only the plausibility of, but in fact the most likely route that Lehi would have taken. Lehi most likely sailed around Africa and […]

2 Nephi 18 – Commentary

Also known as Commentary of Isaiah Chapter 8 This continues commentaries on the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 18 is the same as Isaiah Chapter 8. We first begin with the screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers of this chapter as first published without verses. Second, will be the text put […]

2 Nephi 17 – Commentary

Also known as Commentary of Isaiah Chapter 7 This continues commentaries on the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 17 is the same as Isaiah Chapter 7. We first begin with the screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers of this chapter as first published without verses. Second, will be the text put […]

2 Nephi 16 – Commentary

Also known as Commentary of Isaiah Chapter 6 This continues commentaries on the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 16 is the same as Isaiah Chapter 6. We first begin with the screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers of this chapter as first published without verses. Second, will be the text put […]

2 Nephi 15 – Commentary

Also known as Commentary of Isaiah Chapter 5 This continues commentaries on the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 15 is the same as Isaiah Chapter 5. We first begin with the screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers of this chapter as first published without verses. Second, will be the text put […]

2 Nephi 14 – Commentary

Also known as Commentary of Isaiah 4 This continues commentaries on the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 14 is the same as Isaiah Chapter 4. We first begin with the screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers of this chapter as first published without verses. Second, will be the text put into […]

2 Nephi 13 – Commentary

Also Known as Commentary on Isaiah 3 This commentary shall include images of this chapter from the 1830 version of the Book of Mormon. These images are screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers. Next will be the 1830 edition using the current chapter and verses. The 1830 edition had different chapters and no verses. Next […]

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