Translating the Serpent on the Cross

The last write up I did in Ancient American magazine was published in the Volume 22 Issue Number 121. The article was entitled ​The Third, Fourth, and Sixth Commandments from Michigan Relics​. To start, I am providing here a dictionary of symbols deciphered using the first, third, fourth, fifth and sixth commandments as derived from the photograph of the Ten Commandments artifact included in Rudolph Etzenhouser’s publication entitled ​Engravings of Prehistoric Specimens​. Many, but not all of these symbols, were included in the previous published article. As the article continues, I will build upon that dictionary as symbols are determined from context. The intent is to demonstrate that the dictionary symbols can go from artifact to artifact retaining the same or similar definition. Lastly, I will prove that there is some fraud inserted into the findings as well.

Don’t speak God’s name in vain.
To Speak

Phonetic J or Y
Shorthand for name Japeth Shorthand for God (Yahweh)
Called or Named

Egyptian Water symbol means “To”
Egyptian uses this meaning as well.
Nothingness, Vanity

Phonetic SH
Shem (One of Noah’s Sons) Sh used for Shabot or Sabbath Also used for Don’t or Not
Ever since learning this symbol from this Fourth Commandment, I have claimed that it mean Remember which it does. From the Caractors document, I now know that it represent a Hebrew Tsade for the Y and the arc is made up of a demotic K and R, giving us the Hebrew word for Zakor which means Remember.
Son – Taken from Sons of Noah artifact displayed in the previous article.
An Egyptian symbol inverted from original Egyptian
Once again the phonetic SH which sometimes means Don’t.
Labor. It represents the hand. Usually in this language they draw out a bent arm. On a copper plate they use the simpler way to draw the symbol.
Blessed is derived from context here. It uses the same meaning consistently throughout the artifacts.
Called or named.

Now some words from the Fifth Commandment.

Honor they who are called your blessed Father and your blessed Mother.
Mother – actually the order should be reversed as the order should be right to left.
Father – Just as in the word Mother, the order should actually be reversed to read from right to left.

People of God are commanded not to take a person’s life and kill it.

Jehovah or People of God. In this context I choose People of God.
Life or Salvation
Kill or Murder

Words from the First Commandment
This is perhaps the most difficult of the commandments to decipher, and that is why I am placing it last. I am only applying a handful of these symbols to this dictionary which I believe to be correct. What I believe the commandment is saying is as follows: “Do not raise up to greatness unrighteousness to place it before God as was done in the other lands our fathers once lived. Place (The God of) Righteousness before others.”

Righteous and Unrighteous – the logic of deriving these two symbols are based on the usage of a variant to the Egyptian Heaven symbol which is combined with either two strokes on the left or two strokes on the right. These symbols are symbolic of the term “Right hand of God” or “Left hand of God”.

Sun Symbol –
Based on context in several locations, it appears to mean to magnify or illuminate.

Adding to the rationale for the symbol used for Righteousness and Unrighteousness, view the artifact which depicts Moses’s sister Miriam placing Moses along the bank of the Nile River and that Miriam and Moses represent righteousness. The daughter of the pharaoh and her handmaiden represent unrighteousness.

Another common symbol is the “Ever Present Eye of God”. I will not be including an example here. Nevertheless it is derived from Egyptian where the eye has numerous meanings such as to see, to make, and is used in the name of the God Osiris.

In Egyptian it is used for To See or To Make. Sometimes in the Michigan artifacts it is used for To See. Sometimes it is used for the all searching eye of God.

This is now almost enough to interpret the majority of the text in the Serpent on the Cross artifact. We will derive the remainder from context and from cross referencing other artifacts.

Here is the image;

Front Image of Serpent on the Cross
Back image of Serpent on the Cross

Numbers 21

5 ​And the people spake against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for ​there is​ no bread, neither ​is there any water; and our soul loatheth this light bread.
6 ​And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.

7 ​Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord, and against thee; pray unto the Lord, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.
8 ​And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.

A close up image of the writings at the bottom of the artifact of the Serpent on the Cross is depicted here. I have inserted in red the translation of the symbols all deciphered from the Ten Commandments. We only have four more symbols to complete the translation- at least everything except the first line which I cannot translate.


One symbol not included in our dictionary is the Shepherd’s Crook used twice on the third line of the artifact. If the shepherd’s crook means anything close to what it naturally represents, it should assume the meaning of shepherd, leader of the flock, ruler, or maybe even king. I prefer the translation of ruler.

Phonetic M. Sometimes used to represent Moses.

Context would suggest that perhaps this symbol represents Moses. In order to substantiate this as being correct, I needed to cross reference the symbol in other artifacts. I found two artifacts which back up that this symbol is likely the phonetic M used as shorthand for Moses. The simplest validation comes from a calendar artifact. The section circled in red reads “The Righteous Moses Spoke (or Taught) the Law of God”, Next to the text is likely an artist’s rendition of Moses. Next to Moses is the Ten Commandments.

After further consideration the calendar artifact may not be referring to Moses but someone else whose name begins with M. Today, I actually believe the reference is to Mormon teaching the Law of God.

Note that the line over the eye is straight in the calendar artifact. In all other places within these artifacts, the line is arched.

A second yet more difficult to read example comes from an artifact which has Moses retrieving the Ten Commandment from God who is in the cloud. A close look at the text gives us what is most likely the name Moses as well as how the creator of the artifact wrote the words “Ten Commandments”. Also notice here that the proposed M symbol is next to the phonetic SH giving us the phonetics close to the Hebrew pronunciation for the name of Moses.

Getting back to the Serpent on the Cross, aside from line 1, there are still two symbols we don’t know. If we look at the first symbol on line two reading right to left we have a symbol which has a backwards seven and a couple of lines with a circle in the middle. Based on the context of the story, the symbol should either mean serpent or bite. In searching other artifacts, I found this same symbol on a tablet about Adam and Eve. It is the third symbol and reads like “Adam ate the fruit of the tree”. Adding to the logic of the symbol to mean “Bite or Eat”, the top of the symbol is a backwards 7 which looks like the side view of a mouth with teeth showing. The bottom is a circle which also means mouth in the Egyptian writings.

First three symbols of the upper right of the bottom text are what is of concern.

The final symbol needed for our translation for the Serpent on the Cross artifact I have not been able to cross reference to any other artifact. Therefore it is only inserted as an educated guess to mean “Turn”.

Turn – this symbol is not cross referenced anywhere.

Now we can finish the translation.

Translation of Serpent on the Cross artifact

First line mostly unknown…
When the People of God were bitten, they needed to look, and they would be blessed, God would remember their entire family. The ruler Moses taught that to live, they must turn to the Ruler of Righteousness.


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