M.E. Cornell on Prehistoric Relics

This publication was favorable to the legitimacy of the artifacts found in Michigan. In this article, I simple intend to highlight portions which I found interesting and relevant. Introduction Pages 5-6 About two years since, a wonderful discovery of mound relics, was made in the vicinity of Wyman, Montcalm Co., Michigan. Mr. J. O. Scotford […]

John Russell on Early Findings in Michigan

The book written by John Russell is entitled Prehistoric Discoveries in Wayne County, Michigan and was published in 1911. This report is favorable on the legitimacy of artifacts found in Michigan during the time when the majority of these artifacts were found. Artifacts are still being found but generally disregarded as not important. Below are […]

Henrietta Mertz Reports on Earliest Michigan Artifacts

When one researches the artifacts of Michigan, it is very common that the report will state that the first artifact of this strange type found was by James Scotford. Everything follows this first finding in the fall of 1890. If the claims from Henrietta Mertz in the book The Mystic Symbol are correct, then the […]

The Publication of a Written Prayer to God

I would not have figured this out had it not been for working the language system of the Burrows Stones. The third line from the bottom has a line of a large font size engravings. It reads from right to left. The language is Hebrew. The letters are a mixture of Libyan, Phoenician, and Michigan. […]

Lost Battle with Peace Treaty

This artifact was photographed and included in Rudolph Etzenhousers’ publication called Engravings of Prehistoric Specimens published in 1910. Let’s break it down and see what we can make out of it. This top section indicates that both parties are of the YHW people. This is not a battle of Nephites vs Lamanites. It is indicating […]

Michigan Artifacts – LDS Photograph Series 801-852

After visiting Eric Perkins at the Michigan History Center in Lansing Michigan in 2017, he shared with me a DVD which had about 850 images on it. My presumption based on the numbering system is that these images were taken and while the collection was still in the possession of the Church of Jesus Christ […]

Michigan Artifacts – LDS Photograph Series 701-800

After visiting Eric Perkins at the Michigan History Center in Lansing Michigan in 2017, he shared with me a DVD which had about 850 images on it. My presumption based on the numbering system is that these images were taken and while the collection was still in the possession of the Church of Jesus Christ […]

Michigan Artifacts – LDS Photograph Series 601-700

After visiting Eric Perkins at the Michigan History Center in Lansing Michigan in 2017, he shared with me a DVD which had about 850 images on it. My presumption based on the numbering system is that these images were taken and while the collection was still in the possession of the Church of Jesus Christ […]

Michigan Artifacts – LDS Photograph Series 501-600

After visiting Eric Perkins at the Michigan History Center in Lansing Michigan in 2017, he shared with me a DVD which had about 850 images on it. My presumption based on the numbering system is that these images were taken and while the collection was still in the possession of the Church of Jesus Christ […]

Michigan Artifacts – LDS Photograph Series 401-500

After visiting Eric Perkins at the Michigan History Center in Lansing Michigan in 2017, he shared with me a DVD which had about 850 images on it. My presumption based on the numbering system is that these images were taken and while the collection was still in the possession of the Church of Jesus Christ […]

Michigan Artifacts – LDS Photograph Series 301-400

After visiting Eric Perkins at the Michigan History Center in Lansing Michigan in 2017, he shared with me a DVD which had about 850 images on it. My presumption based on the numbering system is that these images were taken and while the collection was still in the possession of the Church of Jesus Christ […]

Michigan Artifacts – LDS Photograph Series 201-300

After visiting Eric Perkins at the Michigan History Center in Lansing Michigan in 2017, he shared with me a DVD which had about 850 images on it. My presumption based on the numbering system is that these images were taken and while the collection was still in the possession of the Church of Jesus Christ […]

Michigan Artifacts – LDS Photograph Series 101-200

After visiting Eric Perkins at the Michigan History Center in Lansing Michigan in 2017, he shared with me a DVD which had about 850 images on it. My presumption based on the numbering system is that these images were taken and while the collection was still in the possession of the Church of Jesus Christ […]

Michigan Artifacts – LDS Photograph Series 1-100

After visiting Eric Perkins at the Michigan History Center in Lansing Michigan in 2017, he shared with me a DVD which had about 850 images on it. My presumption based on the numbering system is that these images were taken and while the collection was still in the possession of the Church of Jesus Christ […]

Images of Artifacts from Michigan Photographed in 2017

In June, 2017, I made a prearranged trip to the Michigan Historical Museum in Lansing, Michigan. There I met up with Eric Perkins who is responsible for overseeing the Soper and Savage Collection. Eric was very helpful. He pulled out many artifacts from the museum and allowed me to photograph them. We did not successfully […]

Engravings of Prehistoric Specimens

Engravings of Prehistoric Specimens is a publication created by Rudolph Etzenhouser in 1910 where he had a professional photographer take pictures of many of the found artifacts. You can click on this link to access the pdf of the entire document. Images from the publication are given below. Click on each image for a larger […]

Michigan Artifacts Comparing Righteousness from Wickedness

I see it over and over. Everybody claims this means “Son on the Right Hand” and “Son on the Left Hand”. However, the symbol for son in something else – not part of these two symbols. Also, the image is used with Miriam and the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh. Please stop referring to these […]

The Third, Fourth, and Sixth Commandments from Michigan Relics

Since 2017, I have spent a considerable amount of time researching the language of the Michigan Relics.  The goal of my research was specifically to determine if the language was decipherable and if the language was consistent among the artifacts.  I also spent some time learning Middle Kingdom Egyptian, but by no means have I […]

Translating the Serpent on the Cross

The last write up I did in Ancient American magazine was published in the Volume 22 Issue Number 121. The article was entitled ​The Third, Fourth, and Sixth Commandments from Michigan Relics​. To start, I am providing here a dictionary of symbols deciphered using the first, third, fourth, fifth and sixth commandments as derived from […]