The Angel of the Lord Visits Joseph in a Dream

Now we switch from the account in the Book of Luke to the Book of Matthew in Chapter 1. Here we learn that what appears to be after Mary returns from visiting her cousin Elisabeth, Joseph learns that Mary (his betrothed soon to be wife) is pregnant and understandably upset about it. He intends to […]

Mary Visits Elisabeth – John the Baptist is Born

The Angel Gabriel has just visited Mary and proclaimed to her that she shall be the mother of the Son of God. Now she goes to visit her cousin Elisabeth, the expectant mother to John the Baptist. Marvelous prophesies are shared among the women. John is born and is raised in the desert. Luke 1 […]

The Angel Gabriel Visits Mary

We continue the story of the birth of Jesus already having covered the Gabriel visited Zacharias in the temple to proclaim the coming of their son who would become John the Baptist. We continue with Luke Chapter 1 using the King James Version of the Bible. Luke 1 : 26-38 26. And in the sixth […]

The Angel Gabriel Visits Zacharias

In covering the birth of Jesus Christ, I start here with Zacharias and Elisabeth who shall give birth to the cousin of Jesus. His name will be John – usually referred to as John the Baptist. To retell the account of the Birth of Christ, I shall begin with the birth of John the Baptist […]

The Purifying Power of Gethsemane

As a young man growing up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I was always impressed with Bruce R. McConkie who was serving as a member in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He had written books which I read and often referenced. My favorite book that I read from him was […]

How to Effectively Live the Gospel of Jesus Christ Every Day

This talk was delivered on January 30, 2020 by my friend DJ Borst. He gave me permission to use this talk here. I find this to be a very interesting topic. I am grateful for the opportunity to study and prepare in order to deliver this talk to you today. It is by interesting circumstances […]

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