Joseph Smith – Testimony of the Three Witnesses

This record is taken from the Times and Seasons published in 1842. As in all other postings, I am attempting to retain all original spelling and punctuation. The setting is that Joseph Smith with the help of Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and John Whitmer are actively engaged in assisting with the translation of the Small […]

Joseph Smith – The involvement of Peter, David, and John Whitmer

I continue the the History of the Church written by Joseph Smith and placed into the 1842 Times and Seasons. This follows the visits from Joseph Knight who brought Joseph and Oliver Cowdery supplies to sustain themselves during the translation project of the Book of Mormon while Joseph and Oliver where staying on the property […]

Joseph Smith – The Help from Jesse Knight

This is a continuation of the story of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. Currently in the story, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery have been continuing the work of the translation of the Book of Mormon from the ancient record given to Joseph by the angel Moroni from the Hill Cumorah. They are […]

Corpus Christi Protection Amulet

Today, I found this post on Facebook. I am leaving the name of the person who posted it anonymous. This is what the text of the post said. I was asked to display this here. It is some sort of egyptian oil lamp I acquired in 1988 from a used toy and clothing warehouse in […]

Joseph Smith – The Oliver Cowdery Period

This is a continuation of the story of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon that was published in the Times and Seasons in 1842. It is a continuation of the writeup that included Joseph Smith receiving the Gold Plates and the Martin Harris period of the translation. (Joseph Smith Receives the Gold Plates […]

Joseph Smith – The Martin Harris Period of the Translation

This is a continuation of the story of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon that was published in the Times and Seasons in 1842. As found in all my write-ups from the original Times and Seasons publication and I have attempted to retain all grammar, punctuation, and misspellings of the original document. The […]

Joseph Smith – The Visitation of Moroni

The story of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon was published in the Time and Seasons in 1842. It is a continuation of the writeup that included the First Vision (Joseph Smith’s First Vision). I have transcribed the text of the original Times and Seasons publication and I have attempted to retain all grammar, […]

Joseph Smith and the Restoration of the Priesthood

The restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood is covered in the 1842 Times and Season found at the below link. It is Installment 1 dated 15 March 1842. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery had met on April 15, 1829. On May 29, 1829, an event took place that has changed to world to this day. Oliver […]

Video – Wayne May and the Jaredites

Video – Wayne May and Book of Mormon Geography

Video – Brian Nettles Proves Legitimacy of the Language of the Michigan Artifacts

During this zoom conference, Brian Nettles goes over the reconstruction of the language of the Michigan Artifacts. For Book of Mormon enthusiasts, the video ends with a real shocker. A smoking gun for the Book of Mormon.

Video – Wayne May and the Dating of the Earliest Michigan Artifacts

Caractors Document – And it Came to Pass

Summary: This document is not intended to provide proof that the Caractors document represents snippets of scripture found in the Book of Mormon.  It is intended to bring out supporting documentation which supports this hypothesis. The Caractors Document contains the words used to translate “it came to pass” on four occasions.  Each version of “it […]

Translating the Book of Mormon into Afrikaans

I learned this story from David Allen, the creator of the scientifically known Allen Variants and author of the book “Its About Time”. This article is taken directly from his own website at The magic of phrasing is appreciated by a linguist, and our story begins with a gifted linguist back in 1971 when […]

How to Effectively Live the Gospel of Jesus Christ Every Day

This talk was delivered on January 30, 2020 by my friend DJ Borst. He gave me permission to use this talk here. I find this to be a very interesting topic. I am grateful for the opportunity to study and prepare in order to deliver this talk to you today. It is by interesting circumstances […]

The Location of the Ancient City of Zarahemla

Any time I talk about the location of Zarahemla, I usually begin with Doctrine and Covenant section 125:3. 3 Let them build up a city unto my name upon the land opposite the city of Nauvoo, and let the name of Zarahemla be named upon it. Now keep this in mind. The Lord does not […]

Joseph Smith’s First Vision

One source document for the story of Joseph Smith and his first vision was published in the Time and Seasons in 1842. I have transcribed the text of the original Times and Seasons publication and I have attempted to retain all grammar, punctuation, and misspellings of the original document. History of Joseph Smith Owing […]

The Ancient Cities of Antionum and Jershon

An assumption of many Heartlanders of the Book of Mormon is that Zarahemla is in the location mentioned in Doctrine and Covenants 125.  D&C 125:3 Let them build up a city unto my name upon the land opposite the city of Nauvoo, and let the name of Zarahemla be named upon it. The Book of […]

The Location of Ancient City of Manti

The Meaning of the Word Manti The name Manti has a good match from the Chicago Demotic Dictionary. For meaning, it means porter, doorkeeper, or night watchman. Evidently Manti may have been a strategic location to prevent intruders from entering a portion of the western portions of the Nephite lands. The Location of the City […]

The Name “Book of Mormon” in Reformed Egyptian

There is not much that we have from the Gold Plates of what exactly the Reformed Egyptian of the Book of Mormon looked like. The writings from Michigan are possibly the language that Mormon used to write the history of the Nephite Nation. I do testify that the writings from the Michigan Artifacts are indeed […]

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