This is another artifact from Burrows Cave found near the Wabash River in the Illinois / Indiana areas.
Line 1

Line begins with ל which means “To”.
פמ – Short for Open to the Public. The letters פמ are encased in the words for Open or Publicly.

כל – all

ציא or צי –
ציא means Came Out. צי means Fleet. The term may be used as a play as the word for fleet is mixed in with come out. The Fleet (of Mariners) has come out.

Translation of Line 1 – Open for all, the fleet of mariners has come out.
Line 2

Begins with ל followed by the Medicine Wheel. The ל is short for the word “Return” (לחזור). The Medicine Wheel is a reference to their people.
צמלח – Saltwater from Google Translate.

גל – Waves. לגל would be “To the waves”.

Translation of Line 2 – They have returned to our nation from the waves of saltwater.
Line 3

של – Google Translate give “Of”. The translation of this word is suspect as I am not certain it really begins with ש.
חלגמכ – Google Translate gives “You are welcome”.

Translation of Line 3: Mariners from the Medicine Wheel nation, you are welcome.
Line 4

גאפ – Rise

מצנ – Exhibit

רזכו – Get Rich

Translation of Line 4: [Come to our] proud and exalted exhibit and get rich.
The artifact is of Hebrew origin. Some of the words are abbreviated.
Open for all, the fleet of mariners has come out.
They have returned to the Medicine Wheel nation from the waves of the ocean.
Mariners from the Medicine Wheel nation, you are welcome.
Rise to our proud exhibit and get rich.