The world of Archeology in the United States has found things. They have dismissed things. I am no archeologist. But I have been around long enough to know that word on the street is that if you find something that goes against mainstream thinking, you had best keep it to yourself or you will be called out as a fraud maker. Now that is the word on the street. When you talk to the archeologists themselves, they are quite confident that such is not the case.
In this write up, I will not be a person of many words. I will show some images. Give the source. Give a little bit of what I know has been reported. And you decide.
Elephants are recorded in the Book of Mormon. But mosts archeologists think that the elephants all predate man.
Ether 9:19
19 And they also had horses, and asses, and there were elephants and cureloms and cumoms; all of which were useful unto man, and more especially the elephants and cureloms and cumoms.
This is the only verse in the Book of Mormon to reference elephants. Of course we do not definitely know what cureloms and cumoms were, but logic says they were probably mammoths and mastodons. I personally always assumed the elephants were all killed by the Jaredites as the Nephites make no mention of them. However, such apparently was not the case. The Hopewell effigy pipes, and slate tablets from Michigan attest to this. The Elephants were more likely killed off after the destruction of the Nephites – after 400 AD.
The Elephant Effigy Mound of Wisconsin

The above screenshot is from this an official publication from the state of Wisconsin –
Some archeologists say that it actually a bear and that the snout was created by erosion.
For the full known story of this effigy mound, please click on the link above.
Elephant Pipes
The following publication screenshot from shows the same Elephant Effigy mound in Wisconsin and two Elephant Effigy Pipes found in Iowa. Effigy pipes are known to be specific to the Hopewell culture. That is the culture which archeologists will tell you thrived in the Ohio valley from about 300 BC until about 400 AD. For the entire story on these effigy pipes, read it by clicking the link below. Screenshots of book taken from –

Elephant Inscription on Davenport Tablet
Next is a picture of one of the Davenport Tablets housed in the Putnam Museum in Davenport IA. Christina Kastell, the Curator of History and Anthropology proclaims the artifact to be fraudulent. When she gives her reasoning, I am not convinced. She accuses the finder of fraud. You decide.

Elephants on the Artifacts from Michigan
Next, we move to artifacts from Michigan. Now everyone knows that that the artifacts from Michigan are all fraudulent. The only problem is that they are not all fraudulent and I prove it in my language studies with the presentation I periodically present. It is not possible that the language could have been fabricated. That being said, I also acknowledge that some of the artifacts from Michigan are modern. Both David Lindsley and I have studied these artifacts and concluded the same thing. There are some frauds. But the vast majority of the artifacts now available to us are authentic. Below are some images from the artifacts from Michigan housed in the Michigan Historical Library. These images were mostly collected between 1910 and 1925. Many artifacts from Michigan are recorded in history found much earlier than this time and after this time.