2 Nephi 16 – Commentary

Also known as Commentary of Isaiah Chapter 6 This continues commentaries on the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 16 is the same as Isaiah Chapter 6. We first begin with the screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers of this chapter as first published without verses. Second, will be the text put […]

2 Nephi 15 – Commentary

Also known as Commentary of Isaiah Chapter 5 This continues commentaries on the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 15 is the same as Isaiah Chapter 5. We first begin with the screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers of this chapter as first published without verses. Second, will be the text put […]

2 Nephi 14 – Commentary

Also known as Commentary of Isaiah 4 This continues commentaries on the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon. 2 Nephi 14 is the same as Isaiah Chapter 4. We first begin with the screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers of this chapter as first published without verses. Second, will be the text put into […]

2 Nephi 13 – Commentary

Also Known as Commentary on Isaiah 3 This commentary shall include images of this chapter from the 1830 version of the Book of Mormon. These images are screenshots from the Joseph Smith Papers. Next will be the 1830 edition using the current chapter and verses. The 1830 edition had different chapters and no verses. Next […]

2 Nephi 12 – Commentary

Also Known as Commentary on Isaiah 2 This is a beautiful chapter which confused me for many years. It is rather clear to me today of what Isaiah is explaining. The beginning was challenging as I did not understand the sequence of events leading to the day when Jesus Christ comes in the clouds and […]

2 Nephi 11 – Commentary

For scripture, I shall draw the text from the 1830 edition. Commentary shall come from several sources. 2 Nephi 11 AND now Jacob spake many more things to my people at that time; nevertheless, only these things have I caused to be written for the things which I have written, sufficeth me. 2 And now […]

Video on the Newark Earthworks

I am posting this video here which was a presentation from an Archeologist. He is not a believer or proponent of the Book of Mormon. I just find it fascinating how many parallels he points out that match to the people of the Book of Mormon.

The Resurrection

John 20 : 1-31 KJV 1 The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre. 2 Then she runneth, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They have taken away the Lord out of the […]

The Crucifixion of Jesus

The Life of Christ – Written by Frederick W. Farrar – Originally published in 1874. CHAPTER LXI The Crucifixion “Dum crucis inimicos Vocabis, et amicos, O Jesu, Fili Dei, Sis, oro, memor mei.” 417 THOMAS OF CELANO, De Cruce Domini. “I, MILES, EXPEDI CRUCEM” ( “Go, soldier, get ready the cross” ). In some such […]

Jesus Before Pilate

The Life of Christ – Written by Frederick W. Farrar – Originally published in 1874. CHAPTER LX Jesus Before Pilate “Per procuratorem Pontium Pilatum supplicio affectus erat.” 388 – TAC. Ann. XV. 44. SUFFERED under Pontius Pilate” – so, in every creed of Christendom, is the unhappy name of the Roman Procurator handed down to […]

The Interval Between the Trials

Featured image depicts Peter denying the Christ. Image taken from the image library of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Matthew 26 : 69-75 KJV 69 ¶ Now Peter sat without in the palace: and damsel came unto him, saying, Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee. 70 But he denied before them all, saying, I know not […]

Jesus Before Annas and Caiaphas

The Life of Christ – Written by Frederick W. Farrar – Originally published in 1874. CHAPTER LVIII Jesus Before the Priests and the Sanhedrin הוו מתונים בדיי “Be slow in judgment.” – Pirke Abhóth ALTHOUGH sceptics have dwelt with disproportioned persistency upon a multitude of “discrepancies” in the fourfold narrative of Christ’s trial, condemnation, death, […]